Important Information about Memory Screening

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What Caregivers Need to Know About Memory Screening in Anchorage, AK

Since seniors are at greater risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of age-related dementia, it’s important for family caregivers to keep an eye out for any possible symptoms. A prompt diagnosis of dementia allows an aging adult to begin treatment that can delay the progression of the condition. Regular memory screenings are a particularly useful method for early detection of dementia. 

Memory screenings are designed to evaluate the cognitive function of adults. For anyone with a family history of dementia, the tests are a valuable tool for establishing baseline ability before dementia-related diseases develop. The simple screenings are also used to monitor the effectiveness of treatments and the progression of cognitive decline. Below is more valuable information about memory screening.

Screenings Explained

There are four commonly used memory screening tests, including the General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition, the Mini-Cog, the Memory Impairment Screen, and the Brief Alzheimer’s Screening Test. During the test, the senior will answer a series of questions and work on completing some general tasks. The whole process is quick and painless, and it helps to determine if the senior’s memory, cognitive function, and thinking skills are still intact.

Physicians, nurses, physician’s assistants, and psychologists can administer and score the screenings. The tests involve a series of questions or simple activities designed to assess an individual’s language skills, memory, and problem-solving abilities. Each question or task is assigned a particular number of points for a correct, partial, or wrong answer. Upon completion, the examiner tallies the points and gets a better picture of the degree of cognitive loss a senior has experienced. 

If you’re looking for reliable dementia care, Anchorage Home Care Assistance offers high-quality at-home care for seniors who are managing the challenges of cognitive decline. We offer a revolutionary program called the Cognitive Therapeutics Method (CTM), which uses mentally stimulating activities to boost cognitive health in the elderly. CTM has proven to help seniors with dementia regain a sense of pride and accomplishment and learn how to engage with others in an enjoyable way.

About the Questions & Activities

Some of the many types of questions found in typical screenings involve determining if the senior is aware of the current date, month, year, and season. The senior might also be asked to name the president of the United States or answer a question concerning another current event. Activities might include creating a sentence, copying a simple line image, or drawing a clock face with the correct time. Certain tests contain questions for the caregiver about the types of symptoms the senior displays. 

If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with a serious condition and needs help with tasks like meal prep, transportation, bathing, and grooming, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a leading provider of elderly home care families can trust. We also offer comprehensive care for seniors with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

Warning Signs of Cognitive Loss

The onset of dementia causes a variety of symptoms. Memory screenings are appropriate when family members notice these signs in an elderly loved one. Older adults might also recognize problem areas in themselves. Some of the many indications something is amiss include: 

  • Becoming more forgetful
  • An inability to concentrate or focus
  • Not remembering how to do basic tasks
  • Difficulty remembering names or words
  • Getting lost when driving or walking
  • Repeating questions or topics in the same conversation
  • Changes in behavior, mood, or personality

Caring for a senior with dementia can be challenging for family caregivers, but compassionate help is just a phone call away. Families looking for top-rated Anchorage in-home care providers can reach out to Home Care Assistance. From respite care to specialized Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care, there are many ways we can make life easier for seniors and their loved ones. Reach out to us at Home Care Assistance if you need compassionate professional home care for your loved one. Call one of our friendly Care Managers today at (907) 770-0907.


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