How Can Seniors Eliminate Household Clutter?

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Why Seniors Need to Eliminate Clutter at Home in Anchorage, AK

Clutter can invade even the most structured life. However, the clutter in these cases is usually manageable. For seniors who have accumulated a lifetime of possessions, the amount of distracting clutter can become overwhelming. If your elderly loved one is in a situation like this, Anchorage 24-hour care experts have some tips to help him or her declutter the home and keep it clutter-free.

Don’t Try to Do the Entire House in One Session

If possible, tackle one space at a time. This makes it easier to begin the decluttering process and stay focused because you and your loved one won’t be going back and forth from room to room. Start with the places that pose obvious safety hazards, such as a stack of old magazines on a staircase.

Sort Items into Various Categories

The clutter you and your loved one go through can be sorted into different categories, depending on where they will end up. For instance, you can sort items to keep, those to throw away, and those to donate. Be sensitive because your loved one may need to process through the memories certain items bring up and could have difficulty deciding what stays and what goes. The important thing to remember here is decluttering doesn’t always equal throwing something away. It is as much about cleaning and creating a healthy environment. Clutter can collect dander, mold, and other allergens, especially if it has been sitting in an enclosed space like a closet.

Create a Plan to Stay Clutter-Free

The need to save and collect things may have become a way for your loved one to manage emotions, especially if he or she lives alone. For this reason, it is important to have a plan in place to prevent a return to old habits. A twice-weekly outing or visit from you or an Anchorage caregiver can help. As your loved one learns to control the clutter, he or she may begin to feel healthier and practice better self-care.

Decluttering a home can be an emotionally overwhelming experience for some seniors. If your loved one needs a strong support system during this difficult time, reach out to Home Care Assistance. Our compassionate caregivers are available 24/7 to provide the support your loved one needs and help with tasks around the house like cooking, bathing, and grooming. For more information on the home care Anchorage families trust, call one of our qualified Care Managers at (907) 770-0907 to schedule a free in-home consultation.


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